Monday, July 8, 2013

Three Kings ritual

The three kings ritual is said to be a way to somehow enter another demension known as the "Shadowside". While in the shadowside you ask questions that you are seeking answers to.


Here's what you'll need:
  • A dark room with no windows (if wondows are present cover them up so that no light comes through)
  • Three chairs
  • 2 standing mirrors
  • A fan (standing fan is best)
  • Your favorite childhood toy
  • A candle and some matches
  • And a mobile phone
  • A loved one who can be on hand to help if need be
Setup: (Setup should begin at 11pm-midnight)
  1. In your dark romm place the first chair in the cent of the room, facing north. This will be your "throne".
  2. Place the second and third chair on either side of the first one, both chairs should be facing your throne. These chairs are known as the queen and the fool. (The reason of the game being called three kings because in your chair you are either their fool or their queen, each on thinks they are the king)
  3. Place the 2 standing mirrors on the chairs beside your throne. Make sure that they are at an exact or near 90 degree angle facing your throne. You should just barely be able to see your reflection out of your peripheral vision when you sit down in the chair.
  4. Put the fan behind your throne and turn it on.
Your throne is ready. Make sure to leave the fan on, the door open, and the light off when you leave the room. It is very important that you remember these things!!!

Go to your bedroom and get ready for bed. You'll need to:
  • Set your alarm to exactly 3:00
Set your phone to charge
  • Put the candle on the bedside table with your phone charging
  • And fall asleep holding your beloved childhood toy.
Your alarm should go off by now at EXACTLY 3:00am. You now have three minutes to go and sit in your throne. Grab your candle off the bedside table and light it, don't forget your childhood toy.

Here's where things get complicated.

  • If you go down to your dark room and find the door to it shut(remember you left it open) abort the mission.
  • If you find the fan off or the light on (remember you left the fan on and the light off) abort the mission
  • If for some reason your alarm clock did not go off at 3:00 or you did not wake up at exactly 3:00, abort the mission
  • If your phone for some reason didn't charge, abort the mission
  • If you are not seated in your throne by 3:33, abort the mission.
If for any reason you have to abort the mission, grab your loved one and leave the house immedietly. You can return to your home at 6am.

If you did not have to abort the mission, proceed to your chair. When you enter your dark room do not turn on the light, When you sit down in your chair do not look into the mirrors under any circumstances and protect the candle with your body from the fan in order to keep it from blowing out. Do not let the candle blow out.

When you sit down in your chair look only straight ahead into the darkness, again do not look into the mirrors and do not look into the candle. You must stay seated in your throne until 4:44am.

Your loved one will come in and call your name to end the ritual. If that doesn't work to "bring you back" they call your mobile phone. Youre childhood toy is a last result to end the ritual.

It is said that durring the ritual that you can here your reflections start talking to you, and that out of your peripheral vision you see your reflections staring at you and moving. There are reports of many other incidents such as someone's reflection reaching out and grabbing them.

I do not reccommend doing this ritual because there is no garuntee that you will ever "get back" from the shadowside.
Do not do the ritual if you are in a stressed or bad stae of mind or if there is anything negative in your life.

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