Hitori Kakurenbo or Hide and seek alone is a Japanese ritual for summoning spirits. But there's a catch.. Yup it's dolls.
It is said that the spirits of this earth are constantly searching for a body to posses, in this game you provide them with one, this being the purpose of the doll. But be careful, it is said that when summoning the spirit that the spirit actually wants your own body.
The object of this game is to play a game of hide and seek with the doll, without being found.
Here's how to play:
The game should begin at exactly 3am so setup should start an hour or so before then.
What you'll need:
- A doll with limbs
- Rice
- Crimson thread
- Salt/Salt water
- A sharp object such as a shard of glass or knife
Cut the doll open and replace it's original stuffing with the rice, not forgetting to clip a few of your fingernails and put the clippings in the doll. Whatever you do DO NOT PUT YOUR OWN BLOOD OR SOMEONE ESLE'S BLOOD OR FINGERNAILS IN THE DOLL IT WILL CURSE YOU. Sew the doll back up with the red thread and use the rest of the thread to bind the doll.
The rice represents innards and attracts the spirits. The crimson thread represents a blood vessel which seals the spirit inside the doll when sewing the doll shut. Now give the doll a name, anything but your own.
Your hiding place should have been picked out in advanced, preferably one with a t.v in it. The t.v plays the role in letting you know where the spirit is in the house. The noise on the t.v will start to become warped, sometimes repetitive, the channels will change on their own, or there will just be static or odd sounds coming from it. Your hiding spot should be cleansed in advanced with sage or ofuda as a precaution.
Fill the bathtub with water (enough so the doll should float when you put it in the tub) then turn off all the lights in the house, keeping in mind to leave the t.v on.
Put the doll in the tub and shout "(your name) is the first it" three times. Leave the bathroom and go into another room , close your eyes and count to ten. Go back to the bathroom, sharp object in hand, pick up the doll, and stab the doll. Taking care not to sever any on the thread. This is said to anger the spirit.
Shout "(The dolls name) is the second it" three times, leave the knife with the doll, and run to your hiding spot and hide, making sure that you have a cup of salt water on hand at all times with you. You must stay quiet durring this part of the game. Pay attention to the t.v (if it's not in view then just listen to it) to know when the doll/spirit is near.
To end the ritual:
Put half of the salt water from the cup in your mouth (don't swallow it). leave your hiding place and search for the doll. It probably isn't in the same place that you left it.
DO NOT leave your hiding spot without the salt water. You may encounter "something wandering around" your house. It's not said as to what it is but it's not something you'd want to come across.
When you find the doll spit the salt water in your mouth over the doll and then pour the rest from the cup onto it and shout "I win!" three times. This is said to end the game. Afterwards, dry the doll, burn it, and discard it.
- Make sure no one else is in the house at the time of playing the game.
- Keep a mobile phone on hand.
- Make sure someone knows you're playing the game and can help you if need be.
- Keep all doors in the house unlocked.
- Use a mechanical pencil instead of a knife to stab the doll with. It is said that if found by the doll it will stab you with the same sharp object you used to stab it with.
I reccomend you stay away from this game.
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