Saturday, August 24, 2013

Candles game

Recently, I read about another ritual on the r/nosleep website and it sounded interesting to me.. The name of the ritual is called The Candles game. As with every other "game" that is posted on this lovely blog of mine, please DO NOT ATTEMPT or screw around with things that you don't understand, capiche? Okay.
         From what I understand, the Candles game is a lot more complicated and more detailed than the Three kings ritual or the Midnight game. It has a lot more rules that are a lot more complicated.

Supplies needed:
  • Lighter/match
  • Candles
  • Have a friend or family hide an unlit candle on the floor of every room of your house without them telling you where the candle is. You're not allowed to ask where it is.
  • Place an unlit candle at the end of each hallway in your house. You don't need to have a family member to hide these candles.
  • Place one  unlit candle in front of your bedroom door. Make sure the candle is inside your room. You must do this yourself. The game will not work otherwise.
  • Close all blinds, windows and be sure to turn off all electrical devices that may cause light. Same with portable devices. Put them in a box, put this box in a cabinet and shut the door.
  • The only portable device you may have is a small wrist watch. You will use this to set an alarm for exactly 11:10 pm. This is when you're supposed to wake up.
  • Close the doors to all of the rooms in your house.
  • Go into your room, at sunset, and go to sleep.
How to play the game:
  • Your alarm should go off at exactly 11:10 (turn off the alarm when you wake up). If you're alarm did not go off right at 11:10 and it is still dark outside, remain in your bed, making sure to face the ceiling. DO NOT look around your room or under your bed and DON'T fall asleep.
  • Once your alarm has gone off, at correct time, you have one minute to light the candle in your room.
  • DO NOT look around your room once the candle is lit.
  • At 11:11, knock on your bedroom door three times with a three second interval in  between each knock. If you don't hear any noises after you knock, you are ready to proceed.
  • Say the phrase: "I am ready to play".
  • Open your bedroom door and place the candle you lit outside the door. This is so they will know not to enter this room.
  • Walk around the house with the lighter or matches. Light each candle in the hallway as you get to them.
  • Knock on the door to each room the same as you did with your own bedroom door. After knocking, open the door and find and light the hidden candle. You have 3 minutes to do so.

Here's where it gets a little complicated.
  • If you find any of the doors that you closed earlier on open or if there is a light shining from beneath the door, leave the house immediately, it is no longer safe.
  • If you do not successfully find and light the hidden candle within the room within 3 minutes, you must close and lock the door to the room and lye down, facing the ceiling until 6:00 am. As said before, once you are laying down, DON'T look around the room or fall asleep.
  • After you leave each room, after finding and lighting the candle, close the door behind you. DO NOT open these doors again!
There was only one last step.
  • After you have been through each of the rooms, return to your bedroom, knock three times, the same as you did at the beginning of the game, close the door behind you and lay back down in your bed, facing the ceiling as before, taking care not to look under your bed, around the room, and most importantly, please DO NOT fall asleep.
At 6:00 am the game is over and your home should be safe. Yes, SHOULD be. The game varies between players, so please don't take my word on it that your house will be safe afterwards if you decided to play anyways, despite my warning. This is a dangerous game and also a good way to burn your house down. This game just goes to show that it would be a bad idea to play with ghost or fire and an exceptionally bad idea to play with both simultaneously.

Ways to lose the game/rules:
  • Disobey any of the rules.
  • Do anything other than what is required for the playing the game such as: using the restroom, eating, and definitely sleeping.
  • DON'T start running! it may make it easier for "them to find you"
  • When walking about your house DO NOT look anywhere but in front of you. If you notice movement out of the corner of your eye, do not turn your head and look.
  • DON'T engage in conversation with any voices you may hear during game play.
  • If you hear noises from behind a closed door to any of the rooms with an unlit candle, skip and move on, DON'T FORGET ABOUT IT THOUGH.
  • Don't look into any mirrors as this may increase your chance of seeing "them". As said before you are only to look ahead of you.
  • You have to be the only person in the house. Even pets like cats or dogs around, they could cause trouble, such as the potential of knocking over a lit candle, and disrupt the game. Pets that won't make any noise or bother you are fine though (something like a goldfish for example).
There's not really a known consequence or outcome if you lose the game. The only guess is that "they" find you if you mess up.

It's never really certain whether these games are a hoax.. or if they're real.
It's better to just let it be and let the story suffice to scare us.

Doesn't matter whether you're a skeptic or a believer, it could be fake or you never know it could be something very real and you just got yourself into a whole lot of trouble.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Leather face in real life??

Have you ever seen the movie Silence of the lambs, Texas chainsaw massacre, or Psycho? Well the killers Buffalo Bill, Leather face, and Norman Bates from these movies are all based off of one true serial killer, Ed Gein. I cannot see how anything would ever drive anyone to do what this man did, ever. Mental illness or some deep psychological problem? Maybe. But there are some people who are evil and I do not use that term loosely.
All over his house, this man had human furniture. Yes, furniture that was made from the remains of women that he had murdered. He wore a vest  made from a woman's skin and still had her breast attached and the woman's face. He had socks and gloves all made from human skin, his chairs and couch was upholstered with it as well. He Used skulls as soup bowls, had a human heart in a bag, a human head, and a box with nine different women's genitalia. Absolutely disgusting and horrific things (You can look up his whole assortment here and here).
The thing that disturbed me the most was in his living room he had a woman's corpse hanging from his ceiling, beheaded, gutted, and dressed out like a dear. Someone like this actually existed. You'd think that no one would be sick enough to ever commit such atrocities but humanity always tends to surprise us.
There are and were some sick serial killers in the world and Ed Gein is definitely one of them.

 They made a movie and documentaries off of Ed Gein.

The "Dry bones" ritual

Before I begin please head my warning and don't f*ck with things that you don't understand. This is an extremely dangerous "game", It is not like Hitori Kakurenbo (One man hide-and-seek) where in the ritual you play hide-and go-seek with a doll.
In the case of this ritual, you are playing with a demon.

This is for reading purposes only. If you ignore my warning and go ahead and do it anyways, the responsibility of whatever happens will be on YOU.

Supplies that one would need:
  • A bathroom with a mirror
  • A box of matches
Wait until 12:01am, not a minute too soon or a minute too late.
Close all the doors in your house, firmly. Make sure that they are secure. Close all cupboards, pantries, and cabinets as well. Anything that can open, close it.
It is crucial that you turn off all lights in your home, including computers. Phones are fine, but make sure that they aren't too bright.

Go into your bathroom, look into the mirror, and make sure that everything is completely silent. If you hear anything, leave the house IMMEDIATELY. That means that "he" is already there.
Think of something that you want, something tanngeble. This will be your prize if you win.

Light a match and wait for it to burn out on its own. DO NOT blow the candle out yourself, it said to anger him. If the match last 15 seconds then you may begin.

Lie down on the floor and recite the following words: "I am aware of your presence and I welcome you into my home. Come now".

Go in to the largest room in your house and wait. How long this takes varies largely. It make take hours for some, it may take minutes for others. You have to be patient.

When "he" is ready you will hear a faint moaning sound. If you hear anything else, LEAVE.
When you begin to hear the moaning you must gop and hide. Just like in Hitori Kakurenbo, you must already have your hiding place scoped out.

You must remain hidden until 3:00am. Durring the time that you are hidden he will try to find you. You must remain quiet and try not to make any quick movements or "he" will find you easier.

When the clock strikes 3:00am it is safe to come out. At this time, return to the largest room in your house and say "Thank you for playing, but you must leave now. You are no longer welcome". You will hear a groan and you may now continue your life as you normally would.

The next morning your prize will be outside the front door to your house. You have won the game.

The question is though, is the prize worth what could happen to you if you lose?

Monday, July 8, 2013

Three Kings ritual

The three kings ritual is said to be a way to somehow enter another demension known as the "Shadowside". While in the shadowside you ask questions that you are seeking answers to.


Here's what you'll need:
  • A dark room with no windows (if wondows are present cover them up so that no light comes through)
  • Three chairs
  • 2 standing mirrors
  • A fan (standing fan is best)
  • Your favorite childhood toy
  • A candle and some matches
  • And a mobile phone
  • A loved one who can be on hand to help if need be
Setup: (Setup should begin at 11pm-midnight)
  1. In your dark romm place the first chair in the cent of the room, facing north. This will be your "throne".
  2. Place the second and third chair on either side of the first one, both chairs should be facing your throne. These chairs are known as the queen and the fool. (The reason of the game being called three kings because in your chair you are either their fool or their queen, each on thinks they are the king)
  3. Place the 2 standing mirrors on the chairs beside your throne. Make sure that they are at an exact or near 90 degree angle facing your throne. You should just barely be able to see your reflection out of your peripheral vision when you sit down in the chair.
  4. Put the fan behind your throne and turn it on.
Your throne is ready. Make sure to leave the fan on, the door open, and the light off when you leave the room. It is very important that you remember these things!!!

Go to your bedroom and get ready for bed. You'll need to:
  • Set your alarm to exactly 3:00
Set your phone to charge
  • Put the candle on the bedside table with your phone charging
  • And fall asleep holding your beloved childhood toy.
Your alarm should go off by now at EXACTLY 3:00am. You now have three minutes to go and sit in your throne. Grab your candle off the bedside table and light it, don't forget your childhood toy.

Here's where things get complicated.

  • If you go down to your dark room and find the door to it shut(remember you left it open) abort the mission.
  • If you find the fan off or the light on (remember you left the fan on and the light off) abort the mission
  • If for some reason your alarm clock did not go off at 3:00 or you did not wake up at exactly 3:00, abort the mission
  • If your phone for some reason didn't charge, abort the mission
  • If you are not seated in your throne by 3:33, abort the mission.
If for any reason you have to abort the mission, grab your loved one and leave the house immedietly. You can return to your home at 6am.

If you did not have to abort the mission, proceed to your chair. When you enter your dark room do not turn on the light, When you sit down in your chair do not look into the mirrors under any circumstances and protect the candle with your body from the fan in order to keep it from blowing out. Do not let the candle blow out.

When you sit down in your chair look only straight ahead into the darkness, again do not look into the mirrors and do not look into the candle. You must stay seated in your throne until 4:44am.

Your loved one will come in and call your name to end the ritual. If that doesn't work to "bring you back" they call your mobile phone. Youre childhood toy is a last result to end the ritual.

It is said that durring the ritual that you can here your reflections start talking to you, and that out of your peripheral vision you see your reflections staring at you and moving. There are reports of many other incidents such as someone's reflection reaching out and grabbing them.

I do not reccommend doing this ritual because there is no garuntee that you will ever "get back" from the shadowside.
Do not do the ritual if you are in a stressed or bad stae of mind or if there is anything negative in your life.

Hitori Kakurenbo (One man hide-and-seek)

Hitori Kakurenbo or Hide and seek alone is a Japanese ritual for summoning spirits. But there's a catch.. Yup it's dolls.


It is said that the spirits of this earth are constantly searching for a body to posses, in this game you  provide them with one, this being the purpose of the doll. But be careful, it is said that when summoning the spirit that the spirit  actually wants your own body.

The object of this game is to play a game of hide and seek with the doll, without being found.

Here's how to play:

The game should begin at exactly 3am so setup should start an hour or so before then.

What you'll need:

  • A doll with limbs
  • Rice
  • Crimson thread
  • Salt/Salt water
  • A sharp object such as a shard of glass or knife
Cut the doll open and replace it's original stuffing with the rice, not forgetting to clip a few of your fingernails and put the clippings in the doll. Whatever you do DO NOT PUT YOUR OWN BLOOD OR SOMEONE ESLE'S BLOOD OR FINGERNAILS IN THE DOLL IT WILL CURSE YOU. Sew the doll back up with the red thread and use the rest of the thread to bind the doll.

The rice represents innards and attracts the spirits. The crimson thread represents a blood vessel which seals the spirit inside the doll when sewing the doll shut. Now give the doll a name, anything but your own.


Your hiding place should have been picked out in advanced, preferably one with a t.v in it. The t.v plays the role in letting you know where the spirit is in the house. The noise on the t.v will start to become warped, sometimes repetitive, the channels will change on their own, or there will just be static or odd sounds coming from it. Your hiding spot should be cleansed in advanced with sage or ofuda as a precaution.


Fill the bathtub with water (enough so the doll should float when you put it in the tub) then turn off all the lights in the house, keeping in mind to leave the t.v on.
Put the doll in the tub and shout "(your name) is the first it" three times. Leave the bathroom and go into another room , close your eyes and count to ten. Go back to the bathroom, sharp object in hand, pick up the doll, and stab the doll. Taking care not to sever any on the thread. This is said to anger the spirit.
Shout "(The dolls name) is the second it" three times, leave the knife with the doll, and run to your hiding spot and hide, making sure that you have a cup of salt water on hand at all times with you. You must stay quiet durring this part of the game. Pay attention to the t.v (if it's not in view then just listen to it) to know when the doll/spirit is near.

To end the ritual:

Put half of the salt water from the cup in your mouth (don't swallow it). leave your hiding place and search for the doll. It probably isn't in the same place that you left it.

DO NOT leave your hiding spot without the salt water. You may encounter "something wandering around" your house. It's not said as to what it is but it's not something you'd want to come across.

When you find the doll spit the salt water in your mouth over the doll and then pour the rest from the cup onto it and shout "I win!" three times. This is said to end the game. Afterwards, dry the doll, burn it, and discard it.


  1. Make sure no one else is in the house at the time of playing the game.
  2. Keep a mobile phone on hand.
  3. Make sure someone knows you're playing the game and can help you if need be.
  4. Keep all doors in the house unlocked.
  5. Use a mechanical pencil instead of a knife to stab the doll with. It is said that if found by the doll it will stab you with the same sharp object you used to stab it with.

I reccomend you stay away from this game.

The Midnight man/Midnight game

Before I start I would like to recommend that you refrain from playing this game. Though many of you are skeptics it is still best to respect the possible danger of the game and the possibility that something could happen.

This ritual is called The midnight game.
Most of you already know what the midnight man/game is, for those of you who don't.. The midnight man or game is said to be a ritual from pagan religions, once used to punish law breakers. The "Midnight man" is said to be a demon summoned to torture those who summon him, give them hellish hallucinations of all their worst fears and is said to even torture those who summon him until they die. It's usually a good idea NOT to play with demons so you really might not want to play this game.

For those curious about how the game goes, here's what you'll need:
  • Salt (preferably sea salt or pure salt and a lot of it)
  • A candle and a lighter/matches
  • A piece of paper/pencil
  • A needle
  • A wooden front door
The object of the game is to avoid the Midnight man from 12:00am to 3:33am. The game can be played with more than one person.

Begin set up before midnight. Write your name down on the piece if paper. Prick your finger with the needle and put just a drop of blood on the paper with your name written on it. MAKE SURE THAT IT IS YOUR BLOOD AND NOT SOMEONE ELSE'S. Turn off all sources of light in the house, grab your candle, lighter/matches, and salt and go outside and close your front door. Your front door must be wooden.
Put the piece of paper with your name and blood on the front door and light your candle. The next step is to knock on your front door 22 times, knock with the seconds counting down to midnight, the final knock MUST land on the strike of midnight. Open your front door and blow out your candle, now close the door and relight your candle and then enter the house. The game has now begun.

Signs that the midnight man is near:
  1. You'll hear a low whisper
  2. The room will get noticeably colder
  3. You'll see him a tall dark figure
  4. Your candle will blow out
Rules to the midnight game:
  1. In the event that your candle should blow out, you will need to relight it within 10 seconds. If you can not relight your candle within the allotted time use the salt to pour a ring of salt around you. You can not leave the salt circle until 3:33am.
  2. Do not turn on any lights during the course of the game.
  3. Do not use any other light source other than a candle, a match or lighter will not work.
  4. Do not stay in one place the entire course of the game, you need to keep moving. Staying in one place makes it easier for it to find you
  5. Do not try to leave the house under any circumstances.
  6. No sleeping!
  7. DO NOT MOCK THE MIDNIGHT MAN!!! Things will turn out very bad for you if you do.
If you make it to 3:33am without having to pour a ring of salt around you or without dying you have won the midnight game.

WARNING: People report that for nights after having played the midnight game that they suffer from horrific nightmares.

Just remember that anything that involves a blood ritual and demons is probably a bad idea. To those who ignored my warning, I wish you good luck and hope that it's just a fun game of scares. To the rest of you, sweet dreams!


Anything scary, screwed up, or remotely creepy or weird, You'll find here! Welcome to Darkness after sunset!

All opinions on this blog will be respected whether skeptic or believer.